At Perfect Edge Lawn Care, we provide professional mowing services for residential businesses in East Tennessee. Our 20 years of experience in the lawn care industry allows us to quote your mowing job accurately and fairly.



About our residential services

we specialize in


How and when you mow your grass plays a big part in the overall quality and presentation of your lawn.


Mulch is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, keep the soil cool, and prevent frost heaving in winter.

Aeration & Over-seeding

Aeration loosens soil, reduces compaction and allows grass roots to reach deep for water while overseeding introduces new grass seed to fill-in thin areas and thicken existing turf.

Shrub Trimming

Routinely trimming your shrubs can help them look well-maintained and prevent them from damaging your home/business siding.

get your free quote

Contact us for a free estimate. We look forward to hearing from you!



call: 865.293.2797

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